Also this year the “Lange Nacht der Bewerbung” takes place under the motto “Great companies find great employees” – and of course GAMED will be there as well! 👍
Lange Nacht der Bewerbung 2021

Take your chance and find great job offers! The event will take place on November 28, 2021 from 2:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. in the Europasaal of the WKO Steiermark. The registration period ends on November 16th.

You want to attend the event? Then secure one of the 300 places at the “Langen Nacht der Bewerbung” in Graz now. We look forward to meeting you! 😊

Click here to register as an applicant for LNDB22 Graz

PS: You can also find our current vacancies directly on our careers page. 😉


Get in touch

Want to find out more about you what our combination of software products and
consulting services can do for you? We’ll be happy to show you in person.
+43 316 27 86 60
Harter Straße 48, 8053 Graz